Premises Liability Lagrange, GA
Why You Should Choose Kaplan & Seifter For Premises Liability Injury In Lagrange, GA?
Kaplan & Seifter are experienced premises liability attorney in Lagrange, GA. If you were an invited guest on someone’s property – whether as a tenant, visitor to a home, or customer – you have the right to enjoy a safe environment. If you were harmed on that property as a result of the property owner’s negligence, they could be held liable for your medical and legal bills. Injuries include but not limited to dog bites, slip & fall accidents, lack of security, stairway and ramp incidents, insufficient lighting, lack of security cameras, and swimming accidents.
Every accident does not hold the home or business owner at fault. However, owners can be held liable if an unsafe condition existed long enough for them to become aware of it. Landowners who know of this condition, and fail to take the appropriate action to fix it, are liable for any injuries that result. Homeowners and business owners are also responsible for protecting guests and customers from an unreasonable risk of harm.
Our attorneys will come to you to discuss your case and walk you through the entire legal process. During your consultation, the attorney will carefully listen to your story and determine if you have a case. When we take on your case, our attorneys carefully investigate the premises where you were injured. With this information, these investigations can often help the attorney to determine if there’s a viable premises liability claim. We are very convenient to Lagrange, Mountville, Hillcrest, Stovall, Pine Mountain, Hamilton, West Point, Valley, Grantville, and Franklin, GA.
Call (706) 350-4161 to get more information on your case. Injured in an auto accident, browse our website for more information on auto accidents, or truck accidents! If you have any questions or comments please contact us.
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